How To Make A Huge Profit From The Content Lying Around At Your Site or Blog
By Christopher Kyalo | Date Submitted: 09/14/05
Keywords: web content provider
More Details about Cash from your idle content here.
Summary: You can easily make cash from your old stale content
Did you know that you could make hefty profits from that valuable content you paid a web content provider or online writer to get done some time back? It’s absolutely true. In fact there are 5 different ways that you can cash in on your current content lying around at your site getting stale.
You see the web really puts a premium on creativity and creative people and only the creative thrive and end up making lots of cash online. There are really no two ways about it. But the good news is that it is easy to get creative, sometimes all you need to do is read articles like this one you are taking in right now and then simply find a way to apply the ideas to your site.
There are numerous and enormous benefits in learning how to make money from the content your already have or are churning out at great expense for your site or blog. In fact by simply learning how to turn a profit from content that you’ve paid some web content provider for, you will not only put some extra cash into your pocket, but you’ll also be able to afford fresh new paid-for content at your site all the time. Whatever changes the search engines make to the way they rank sites, content remains king and by ensuring that web content provided at your site is always fresh and well-written, you’re sure to dramatically improve your rankings with search engines and at the same time generate lots of traffic.
Re-Sell Your Content
The number of sites that you can use to sell off your content is steadily rising. It will of course help if you give your article a very striking headline and brush it up a little here and there. But this is not too much work and can easily be done by somebody who is not a writer.
We now have on the net sites that will gladly display your articles for sale and complete the entire process on your behalf, for a commission from the proceeds. Some of these sites sell licenses to your content. What this means is that the same article can earn revenue for you again and again.
There are so many websites out there covering every possible area of interest that you can think of. This means that there is bound to be somebody out there somewhere who badly wants that content which you are now sick of and looks worthless to you.
Earn Money By Placing Some Links On Your Content
We now have folks online prepared to pay you to place links to certain sites on your blog content. One organization I know that has been aggressively advertising and looking for people pays $5 for every link placed on content at your blog.
If you have other related products or affiliate program sites, you can of course earn much more than $5 per link for a longer time by placing links in your content pointing to this affiliate program sites or product sites.
There is really no reason why you should not take advantage of every opportunity to earn something back from content that you’ve already paid some web content provider for or spent hours putting together.
Have the last laugh on your web content provider, and at the same time find an ingenious way to finance fresh new content at your site all the time.
Christopher Kyalo makes a good living writing online. Find a more detailed version of this article at this link Detailed Free Article On This Subject He can be reached at strongwallafrica at
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Christopher Kyalo is a writer/marketing expert who makes money online only by posting free articles. Visit his amazingly informative ghostwriting blog
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