What's Your Productivity Formula?
by Elliott Roberts
What's Your Productivity Formula?
Elliott Roberts
Staying on task, despite interruptions, is tough to do. Your productivity formula will allow you to handle those pesky interruptions as they arise, while staying on track with your target project. This will result in higher productivity and performance. Here are some self help tips to customize your productivity formula.
You must have a clear plan. Are you daily tasks leading you somewhere, or are they simply getting you by? Take some time to review your long term projects and goals. Your daily task lists should be the product of those bigger projects being broken down. If your daily tasks are not leading you toward your bigger picture, start over. Make every task count.
Once you have your clear plan you need to prioritize those tasks. Some are more important than others and some have definite deadlines. Organize them as such on your list, realizing that just as some must be finished that day, some can easily be forwarded to the next day if need be.
Schedule breaks to recharge. Walk around for a few minutes. Stretch. Play a quick game of spyder. Your body and your brain will feel better and work so much better that you will make up for the lost work time, even exceed it.
Do not work through lunch. It does not make you look more dedicated than everyone and your mind and body will produce less without nutrition. That should be a no brainer, but continually people neglect their bodies for an extra 30 or 60 minutes of work. This is a hard one to break because people expect it of you. Or maybe your boss does not appreciate the importance of fueling and recharging your body. Do it anyway. Everyone will be impressed when they start seeing the resulting increase in productivity.
Track progress and recognize your own achievements, no matter how small. You will be motivated to continue and achieve more success.
Deal with the little interruptions that come along before they turn into problems. The time invested is usually minimal and it saves stress and hours in the end.
Regardless of whom you are or what you are trying to accomplish, you have to do work to get there. That work is called productivity and with a positive attitude and your productivity formula, you will succeed.
The Author, Elliott Roberts, writes for Becomng, a (http://becomng.com) Personal Development blog that covers issues from software to meditation. Find additional (http://becomng.com/topics/productivity/) Productivity Formula posts over here.
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